Sunday, May 16, 2010


BP: Mile-long tube sucking oil away from Gulf well

Today I can put a smile on my face. They have done something good. Now to stop the rest of the leaks and to get this cleaned up!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I have many doubts

BP confident latest try to capture oil will work

I have several thoughts about this article.

1. One is that they have failed so far to contain the leak. They have made promise after promise that this would be solved, yet have failed to do so. They are promising that this new method of containing the leak will do the job. But they are having difficulty doing so because some adjustments needed to be made to the equipment.

2. BP must want to collect the oil, because that is what they do to make money. If they could do something to shut off the flow of oil, rather than collect it, they probably would not do so, because it would prevent them from making a profit, which they must do according to law.

3. Even if the new pipe within a pipe idea works, there will still be a massive oil spill. There is a bent pipe from which it is flowing. This sounds to me like a more difficult problem than they have been alluding to. The flow of oil into the ocean will only be slowed, not stopped.

4. All of the methods proposed to 'stop', which is really to REDUCE the leak are all experimental.

5. They are using dispersants to 'clear up' the oil. But this is also very bad because petroleum is basically toxic waste to begin with. What you are doing by using dispersants is only to defer the problem. This only spreads the toxic waste out, it dilutes the petroleum. The petroleum does not magically become less toxic by dissolving it in soap. But it does give the illusion that the toxic waste has 'poof' vanished. Same amount of toxins spread out wider, because it is not clumping together. Oil will clump together if left alone eventually, it will stick to itself. The tar balls which where found on the sea shore at the beginning of this mess were there from previous oil spills and leaks. The Gulf of Mexico is how petroleum gets into this country via Houston.


Friday, May 14, 2010

Who Pays?

The Price and Who Pays: Updates From the Gulf

Who is going to pay for this mess?

Bad Modification

Oil spill: BP had wrong diagram to close blowout preventer

Methane Hydrates

Methane hydrate threatens more than the oil-spill cleanup

Methane Hydrate is a fact of life when drilling for oil so deep under the ocean. It is a major technical challenge. It is a part of this whole puzzle.

Bring In The Eggheads

Obama Sends Bomb, Mars Experts to Fix BP Oil Spill

My friend the other day, suggested that maybe the government ought to involve NASA because they are the smartest people on the earth. Well, somebody has thought of this, because here is an article stating that some high level well connected and brilliant scientists are being brought in to consult. Good Luck!

Pictures From The Gulf - A Disaster Unfolds

Disaster unfolds slowly in the Gulf of Mexico

Here are some high resolution color photographs of the Gulf Coast Oil Disaster. Take a look!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sky Truth Alternate Estimate of Oil Spill

Size of Oil Spill Underestimated, Scientists Say

There is an organization which has been monitoring the disaster by viewing satellite images. This is a way for a third party to arrive at it's own estimate of the scale of the disaster. We need alternate viewpoints, in case they hold validity. I also hope that this is not true, but we need all of the data we can get.

Gulf Gusher Worst Case Scenario

Gulf Gusher Worst Case Scenario

Here is a viewpoint which is the most pessimistic of all which I have read so far. I very much do hope that this is not the case. But, do we know that it isn't?

video of oil spilling from pipe underwater

New Underwater footage of BP oil leak at the source

Here is some footage of the oil as it shoots out of the pipe. It is a huge amount of oil.

Dead Dolphins

Dead Dolphins found on Gulf Shore as spill moves to threaten National Wildlife Refuge

Dolphins are among my favorite creatures. This makes me greatly upset. What if we find out that they are just as intelligent as people? Would this not be a moral tragedy, as well as an ecological one?

It Keeps Getting Worse

Oil keeps on Spreading in the Gulf of Mexico

It keeps getting worse. Will they ever cap it?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Faulty Blow Out Preventer To Blame

Investigators: Leak caused well device to fail

These bozos could not even fix a leaky hydrolic line on the blow out preventer, not before the catastrophe and not now. What is wrong with these jerks? If they can't fix the problem, then they should be forced to step aside and let another group of people do the job. Are they evil or something?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Video of Oil Spill as seen from the air


This is an interesting video from You Tube. It is a view of the disaster as seen from the air.

Liability Limits

LP Monday Message: Liability limits make oil spills worse

Liability limits is, I'm sure, part of the puzzle. We can ask the question, has our government cut the oil companies too much slack?

Rig Workers Sign Statements

Lawyers: Rig workers asked to sign statements

This sounds fishy too.

Press Not Allowed

No Press Allowed? ABC Reporter Turned Away from Oil Spill Command Center

There is something fishy going on here!

Methane Hydrates

BP’s oil spill fight plagued by methane hydrates, a hazard of deep water

This is part of the problem. The deeper you drill, the more of a problem it is.

Conspiracy Theories?

The Cover-up: BP's Crude Politics and the Looming Environmental Mega-Disaster

The conspiracy people sell conspiracy. You really have to sort out the truth from the fiction when reading their stuff. But, it does make for some interesting reading. I really hope that this information is mostly false.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Acustic Switch

The REAL REASON Behind the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico - 2010

Well, if this man is to be believed, then why do we continue to have a different policy than the rest of the world? $500,000 for something that could have saved them millions of dollars in clean up fees? What is wrong with the picture here?

Ok, then, if this is true, then why have not the Democrats implemented this? We are led to think that the Democrats are the sane politicians who want enough government regulation to stop this sort of problem. What is going on? What would solve the problem?

BP Has a History

Gulf oil spill: BP has a long record of legal, ethical violations

5 Times Worse Than Reported

Oil spill disaster ‘out of control’

It is 5 times worse than reported! This is from satellite data. What else are they not telling us, the government and their precious corporations.


Is Gulf oil rig disaster far worse than we're being told?

The Human Death March continues on. According to this piece, we really screwed up.

Not only might this underwater oil volcano be spilling oil at a rate much greater than reported, it might never be capped. Human technology might not be up to the challenge.

The least we could do is to arrest every top employee of British Petroleum and put them in prison for the rest of their lives.

What else are the corporations and the government not telling us?


BP plans to park oil box; unload new equipment

I have lost faith in BP, or the government to do anything about this!

So what happens next? Do we just wait another 20 years while this oil spill fills the
ocean with toxic sludge, killing our ocean and our air supply with it?


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What Now?

Oil's hidden costs visible, but will it matter?

Even conservatives and libertarians are calling for more regulation. Nobody seems to have any answers or ideas for this. I should say though that the Chernobyl accident was one thing that helped bring the Soviet Union down. Also, simply changing socio-economic systems from capitalist-socialist, to socialist-capitalist will change the fact that people still use more and more fossil fuels. It won't change the fact that we don't have a replacement. It would solve no technical problem.

There doesn't seem to be a real answer to the oil problem, or the coal problem. Do you have any ideas or suggestions?

Saturday, May 1, 2010

It Just Gets Worse

Gulf oil spill swiftly balloons, could move east

The government and the corporations are not doing enough to take care of the environment. They seem powerless at this point to stop the oil spill, and this is not just one oil taker full of petroleum. This could potentially go on for months, ruining the entire Gulf of Mexico for years to come. They need to come up with a real plan and then execute it as soon as possible. Perhaps it was a mistake to drill so deep underneath the ocean in the first place. There comes a point where we must reassess the very structure of our technological society and ask if we should not start moving away from petroleum. This is a big problem which will take a great deal of brainpower to formulate solutions for. I hope that they can indeed solve the problems facing our world. If not, then perhaps we should consider a change in planetary management.

A Few Links via BP themselves

Here is the official Deepwater Horizon Response Website
Deepwater Horizon Response

Here is the information outlet from BP
Gulf of Mexico update page : Response page on the Website of BP

Tell them what you are thinking about this disaster!
British Petroleum's Submit an Inquiry Page

More Info About the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

Gulf of Mexico oil spill reaches Louisiana coast

More information about the spill